I'd lean over her and kiss her nipples, taking each into my mouth in turn and nibbling gently on them, while my hand cups her vulva, my fingers playing against her cunt through the thin fabric of her panties. I'd lean over her and kiss her nipples, taking each into my mouth in turn and nibbling gently on them, while my hand cups her vulva, my fingers playing against her cunt through the thin fabric of her panties. I would kiss and tug on her sweet clitoris thru those hot pink panties then slide them aside to lick her gorgeous cunt then fuck her brains out.Damn, I'm awake now.Aaaaaagh ! Damn what a sexy woman.I just want to bury my face into those warm damp knickers.You get my cock so hard Jo it feels like it's gonna explode at the merest touch.Xx. I'd pull her little knickers into her pussy slit and jerk them against her clit.
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